Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chapter III- Darryl’s Idea

Darryl Pepper lived in a big room at the top of an old house. Darryl was the kids’ friend. He was nineteen years old, but some of his hair was already grey. He had a long thin body and long, thin legs. He wore thick glasses.

Darryl had been a student at the kids’ school. He’d been the first member of the archeology club. He was very interested in history and science and he had many books about these subjects. He didn’t work in an office or a factory. But he often delivered things for people in his old van. He earned some money that way.

Darryl’s room was full of old furniture, books, papers and pieces of machinery. His computer stood on a big desk near a window. The rest of the desk was covered with papers.

Regan, Frankie, Jack and Tom met in Darryl’s room on the morning after their visit to the airfield.

‘Well, who can explain what happened yesterday?’ Jack asked.

‘I have an idea,’ Darryl said. ‘Some scientists have a theory which could explain it. It’s the Psychic Stain Theory.’

‘What’s that?’ Tom asked quickly.

‘Well, sometimes a terrible thing happens and it leaves a mark in time,’ Darryl replied. ‘The mark never disappears. It’s like a stain that never fades. Then the terrible thing is repeated for ever and ever. The theory could be correct. Lots of people believe in ghosts. Perhaps ghosts are Psychic Stains too.’

‘So that crash did happen. But it didn’t happen yesterday. Is that what you think, Darryl?’ Jack asked.

‘Yes,’ Darryl replied. ‘It happened in the past and it left a mark in time. Now it’s like a videotape which is playing again and again. And yesterday, you all saw it.’

‘But why hasn’t anyone seen the crash before?’ Frankie asked. ‘I’ve lived in Lychford all my life. I’ve never heard anything about it.’

‘That’s an interesting question,’ Darryl replied.

‘I want to find out more about that crash,’ Regan said. ‘When did it happen? Who was the American pilot?’

‘I’ve been asking some of my friends about this,’ Darryl said ‘There are a few Spitfires still flying. They fly in air shows and exhibitions. But no Spitfire has crashed in this area since 1945. So your Spitfire probably crashed during the Second World War.’

‘Perhaps it was in a battle with a German fighter plane,’ Tom said.

‘That poor pilot,’ Regan said. ‘He tried to save some children who were in that house. Were they all killed?’

Jack remembered his feelings about the house.

‘Yes, they were all killed,’ He replied sadly.

‘I want to know what happened,’ Regan said. ‘Where can we find out about this, Darryl?’

‘Well, that crash was “repeated” yesterday for a good reason,’ Darryl said.’Why? What was the reason?'
’Was the date important?’ Tom asked. ‘Yesterday was the 24th of August. Did the crash happen on the same date, many years ago?’

‘Yes, that’s exactly what i think,’ Darryl replied.

‘Then we can make some guesses,’ Tom said. ‘The first Spitfires flew in 1938. The Second World War began a year later, in 1939. The War ended in 1945. So the crash happened sometime between 1938 and 1945.’ Then Tom looked puzzled. ‘But Spitfires were British planes,’ he went on. ‘Why was an American pilot flying the one that we saw?’

‘My grandmother might remember something about the crash,’ Frankie said. ‘I’ll ask her about it. I’m going to visit her this afternoon.’

‘I’ve got a better idea,’ Tom said quickly. ‘Let’s as someone at the Lychford newspaper – the Lychford Gazette. Jack and i will go to the office of the Gazette. We need facts, not just memories. Does the Gazette office keep copies of the old newspapers, Darryl?’

‘Yes,’ Darryl replied. ‘I have a friend who works there. I’ll phone him. He’ll let you look at the papers.’

‘And i’ll go with Frankie, to see her gran,’ Regan said. ‘I prefer old people to old newspapers!’

‘That’s fine,’ Darryl said.' ‘Then, you’ll have the facts and the memories.’

‘Brilliant!’ all the children said together.

‘Let’s meet tomorrow at my house,’ Regan said. ‘Will four o’clock be OK?’

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