Monday, July 13, 2009

Topic 7: Computer Games

1. How many types of games are there in the world?

There are a lot of people play game but not everyone knows the different types of games that are out there. Here are some basic types of games are listed below.

1.  Arcade style: first appeared in 80’s, they are Asteroids, Pac-Man. They are still very popular and it seems nothing can replace them.

2. Card, logic and board games: They are very regular in every computers.  Logic games usually simulate some well-known logic puzzle like Master Mind or the card game like poker or solitaire.

3. Adventures (text adventures and graphical adventures): This is a game in which the player assumes the role of the main character in an interactive story that is driven by exploration and problem – solving such as jumping over a traps, fighting against a killer….

Players can interact the game by text, that is called “text adventures”, or graphical interface, that is called “graphical adventures”. For examples: Romario (the most famous game series in 90’s)

4. Simulation: It is also called “Simply game”, is the game that emulate actions such as daily lives or case studies. For examples, the Sims, Sims city or Sims the zoo.

5. Strategy: Such as War craft or Star craft. They are the most attractive game in the world because of real time actions and methods of war . Players can direct a sum of unit and start a battle against other team using their line and methods of war.

6. Shooter (First Person Shooter (FPS) and Third Person Shooter): Is part of action games. They are used to test the speed and reaction’s time. The player have to assumes a character that use weapons such guns, knife to fight against the other players. The most famous game of this type is half life.

They also have first person shooter(FPS), that player have their own view, and third person shooter that player can see the character from the other view.

7. Role Playing Game (RPG): Anyone who played Final Fantasy knows exactly what an RPG is. The player play a character, sometime more than one, characterized by straits (such as strength, agility, intelligent, mana…), skills and properties (cash, levels). As you play, the character becomes the more powerful and the game adjusts itself accordingly, so instead of fighting orcs, at high levels you start fighting black dragons.

There are many games such as “Vo lam truyen ky”, or World Craft.

2. What are disadvantages and advantages of playing game?

Advantages of playing game:

1. Offer the potential to foster creativity

2. Provide a fun and social form of entertainment

3. Make kids feel comfortable with technology

4. Increase children' s self-confidence and self-esteem as they master games

5. Develop skills in reading, math and problem-solving

6. Promote pro-social behaviors, such as helping and caring

7. Teaching follow games help the children easier to study and remember the lessons.

Disadvantages of playing game:

1. Play violent games make children aggressive

2. Fall in academic performance and become lack of social interaction

3. Addict to the game and become exhausted because of playing game without eating.

4. Damage eyesight… etc.

3. There are some accidents because of playing game too much.

A guy in Korea had died because of being exhausted while playing game in 50 hours continually. The doctor said that he die because of starvation.

In china, a thirty years old man had died after three days playing game without drinking water or eating.

In Vietnam, Trieu Quoc Cuong, who was born in 1981, is lied in emergency room. When he was driven to the hospital, his heart is stopped beating.

4. How does the government manage games?

- Restrict the playing game time.

- Stop the appearance of internet coffee shop(China)

- Going to manage the virtual game toys business.

5. What is the future evolution of game?

- Online game

- Web –based game


How about your opinions?

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