Monday, July 13, 2009

DRACULA – Bram Stoker

In the spring of 1875, Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania, on a business visit to the home of Count Dracula. Jonathan does not really want to go because in a few months’ time he is getting married to his beautiful Mina, and he does not want to leave her.

While he is staying in Castle Dracula, he keeps a diary. And every day he has more and more terrible things to write. Why does he see Count in the mirror? And who are the three beautiful women, with their red mouths and long sharp teeth, that come to his room at night?

At home in England, Mina is staying with her friend Lucy in a town by the sea. She waits for Jonathan’s letters, but they do not come, and Mina is afraid. Perhaps Jonathan is ill, or in danger…

Mina is not afraid for herself, of course, or for her friend Lucy. What danger can there possibly be for two young women in a quiet English seaside town?

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